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Low-Pressure, Welded Vessel Specification [Technical Revision]

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
PIP 05/01/2022 22

PIP VESLP001 – Low-Pressure, Welded Vessel Specification [Technical Revision]

This Practice provides requirements for the construction of low-pressure, welded vessels that in general meet the philosophy and requirements of ASME Section VIII Div 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Code), but do not require Code inspection or stamping. Vessels may be shop or field fabricated. This Practice describes the basic requirements for the design, materials, fabrication, examination, inspection, and testing of aboveground, welded, cylindrical shell, single-wall vessels having a nameplate with an internal and external Design Pressure not greater than 103 kPa (15 psig) at the top of the vessel in the normal operating position. An additional specification may be required to define options covered herein and other specific requirements considering service (startup, normal operation, upset, shutdown), location, maintenance, etc. The documents listed in Section 2.1 shall be used for a complete purchase specification. This Practice is not intended for flat-bottom tanks or API-type field-erected storage tanks. Unless approved by Purchaser, PIP VESLP001 is not to be used for low-pressure vessels that will contain “Lethal Substances” as defined in Code Endnote 64.

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